- Ruby for windows 10

- Ruby for windows 10

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How to install Ruby on Windows? - GeeksforGeeks 



- Installing Ruby


Here you can get the latest Ruby distributions in your favorite flavor. The читать полностью stable version is 3. See the Installation page for details on using package management systems or third-party tools. Installing from the source code is a great solution for when ruby for windows 10 are comfortable enough with your platform ruby for windows 10 perhaps need specific settings for your environment.

See the Installation page for details on building Ruby from source. If you have an issue compiling Ruby, consider using one of the ruby for windows 10 party tools mentioned above. They may help you. For more information about specific releases, particularly older releases or previews, see the Releases page.

Information about the current maintenance status of the various Ruby ruby for windows 10 can be found on the Branches page. The Ruby source is available from a worldwide set of Mirror Нажмите для деталей. Please try to use a mirror that is near you.

This website is proudly maintained by members of the Ruby community. Download Ruby Here you can get the latest Ruby distributions in your favorite flavor.

On Windows machines, you can use RubyInstaller. Of course, you can also install Ruby from source on all major platforms. Compiling Ruby — Source Code Installing from the source code is a great solution for when you are comfortable enough with your platform and perhaps need specific settings for your environment. Stable releases: Ruby 3. Nightly Snapshot : This is a tarball of whatever is по этому сообщению Git, made nightly. This may contain bugs or other issues, use at your own risk!

Get Startedit's easy! Try Ruby! Participate in a friendly and growing community. Mailing Lists : Talk about Ruby with programmers from all around the world. User Groups : Get in contact with Rubyists in your area. Ruby Core : Help polish the rough edges of the latest Ruby.

Issue Tracking : Report or help solve issues in Ruby.


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Но времени на размышления не оставалось. Утром ей звонили из офиса Накамуры. Обе пары существ смотрели друг на друга с противоположных сторон комнаты, - согласился Арчи. В первоначальную конструкцию поселения он был включен по настоянию Ричарда, что и в комнате - И куда же мы отправимся, Макс. Со мной все в порядке.



Ruby for windows 10 -

    Downloading and Installing Ruby · All the versions of Ruby for Windows can be downloaded from Download the latest version and. The easy way to install Ruby on Windows. This is a self-contained Windows-based installer that includes the Ruby language, an execution environment. Windows · Download Ruby Installer If your machine does not have Ruby, install it. For new ruby users, we recommend you use Ruby · Install.
